Hey Jessie here!!! Well its been almost two weeks of school already, and the homework is just piling up!! And teachers don't seem to care that we have sports practice, work, or just new episodes on Netflix to watch! A lot of my friends are feeling stressed out from homework already and I'm here to tell you some tip and tricks to help you magane that precious bundle of joy you receive from school each day.
1. Keep an assignment notebook! I know for people who usually aren't organized this is very hard to do but it helps immensely! This away you'll never forget what you have , and you'll know what to bring home!! And if you aren't happy with your school provided one, there are tons of colors and cute styles to choose from! Who can say no to an excuse to go shopping right? jk
2. Set Goals. When people get home all they want to do is sleep, watch tv, text, play with their pets, etc. But that leads to procrastination and maybe forgetting about your homework altogether! Or you'll end up working late at night and have trouble waking up the next morning and have a bad day because you're just so darn tired. ( This happened to me today). A way to avoid this is... right when you get home sit down and start your homework. And keep pushing yourself! The reward is the rest of the night free. When you procrastinate you always have that feeling in the back of your head and you cant fully enjoy what your doing. I don't know if that the case for everyone, but it is for me! Trust me doing your homework right when you get home will help you so much!
3. If you have a sports practice or other after school activity taking up a lot of your time bring your homework along! If you get breaks or have to wait for a long period of time you can squeeze some homework in there! It may not seem like much but every little bit counts. just today I was waiting for my turn at a tennis meet and got all my homework done!
4.Study hall! Study hall is a gift from God! Use it to your advantage.. you have a whole class period to finish all your homework. How great is that? But most people tend to talk or goof off during study hall which is fun, but later when you get home it doesn't seem worth it anymore. I don't have that choice to make because our teacher doesn't let us text, talk, move, or sit idly. At first I was mad, but it's really helping me get stuff done!
5. Ask! If you have any questions, no matter how stupid, ask them before you leave school! That way you can be sure about what to do and how to do it and get done faster!
6. Reward. Give yourself little rewards. Like.. when I finish I can have an ice cream and watch a movie. Just the thought of that will keep you going. Self control is key!
7. Stay organized. I know this ties into number one but keep all your papers and notebooks neat and easy to find so you have everything you need to finish your homework like a boss
Hope these tips help you out! Happy homeworking!!
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