Monday, September 30, 2013

Homecoming Dance

Hey so I haven't posted in a while and just so you know yes I did go to homecoming. IT WAS AWESOME!!! There were at least four different kinds of people there. There were you grinders those are the people that literally grinded to each song in the middle of the dance floor. Then there were the slow dancers that were mostly couples. They slow danced to each song. It was sorta cute in an annoying way. The other people were the partyers which is me! I went crazy and danced to almost every song. I was mostly jumping around but I don't know many dance moves so I call that dancing. Lastly the people that I really don't like are the sitters. They just sit at their chairs just talking. I mean really people its sorta a dance why did you waste your money on a ticket if you aren't even going to dance. Any ways those are the kinds of peoples that I met at Homecoming for the first time. But don't worry its really fun if you make it fun. ~ Eve

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