This blog is going to be a place where we talk about our lives and what is going on in them. We also are good at giving advice. Follow us for more!
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Wacky Wednesdays #1
Check you our Tumblr!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Guess what!! We got a tumblr! When we said we were going to change our blog, we weren't kidding. We might be getting some more social media sites just so we can interact with more people! So yea go follow us on tumblr!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
New Things!
Monday, February 17, 2014
Don't dress like a.....???
Okay girls all over the world why would u wear a dress in the middle of winter? I mean I understand that you have to dress up for when you have games and stuff but what about the other days. Some girls at my school wear dresses not just the nice cute one but the see through ones. The ones were you can see they only have a strapless bra underneath. I mean I don't mean to sound rude and all but do you really want to give people the impression that your as boys say "easy". Now I, I don't not dress like that. I am comfortable in just jeans and a sweater. Sometimes even leggings and a sweater or a long sleeve shirt. Girls you need to understand that if your one of those girls that dress with see through shirts and stuff like that yes you might get the guys but the chances are you will get dump in a couple of weeks. Not saying this to be mean because some of the outfits I seen are modest and stylish but spring is around the corner girls can't you wait just a bit more?
Friday, January 24, 2014
Hellooo human beings!
Just so you know were not dead! My mates and I have just been you know distracted. Have you noticed how I said the word mates that's because I'm weird and we don't even live in the UK. I just wanted to use that word. Any who here's and update about me! Yay! I'm telling you guys this straight up I'm in love with One Direction. Yes I said it. One direction is actually really good. No I'm not yet a directioner because if you are a directioner or know one you know that they are really dedicated. I mean just listening to them doesn't make you a directioner. I know some people that know their addresses and even their dinky do or should I say there little friends sizes. * wink wink*I used the word dinky do just in case some under age person reads this. Besides that every thing has been pretty chill and now we started a new semester and everything. I even have a new crush have I told you guys about him? Well I'll tell you about him another time or maybe not depends all on you guys. Well that all folks. ~ Eve
One Direction: without auto tune is a HOAX!
Have you all heard of the One direction without auto tune video! Yeah just so you all know its fake! I actually really like these guys they're fantastic and I hate to see this happen. I mean I wouldn't mind if they did this video just for laughs but come one people. Anyways I don't know much so I can't say facts and such. But if you guys know what its about you should tell me. Pretty please?! ~ Eve